Sign this petition to stop triple stacked GM Maize
From our friends at the African Centre for Biosafety (ACB):
Sikathele!! Phansi GM Maize in SA Phansi!! Phambili Food Justice, Phambili!!
Please sign this petition and objection to Dow’s triple stacked GM maize.
Phansi GM Maize 1.jpgSouth Africa’s staple food, maize, could soon be loaded with new combinations of foreign genes, and sprayed with new cocktails of agrochemicals. Agribusiness giant, Dow, is applying to South African authorities for the right to sell yet another GM maize variety for cultivation and ultimately consumption. The variety in question is designated as MON 89034 x TC1507 x NK603. It is a “triple-stacked” maize that allows the plant to produce several toxins against pests, as well as being able to withstand the weed killing chemicals glyphosate and glufosinate. This GM maize has been artifically developed in a laboratory and contains patented transgenes belonging to Monsanto and Dow.