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Organic and Natural Hair Care

Ramblings of an Organic Hair Stylist - The path to glory

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Hi again! Last time we left off with the precarious question: how to go organic. Now we will explore further, focusing on further steps to having natural hair.
Forget negative thoughts about your hair, let’s start fresh and renew the relationship to your hair. List the things that bug you about your hair and nail those one at a time. Dedication! One step at a time, your hair will improve in ways you’ve never imagined as long as you remain faithful to the path.

Ramblings of an Organic Hair Stylist - How to go Organic?

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Hello again! Last time I explained a little about how traditional hair products can be damaging to the hair and your health, also clarifying a bit about the devious ways of the hair industry. In today’s article our subject is more practical – taking the first step to change.
Your first step will be to find yourself a good organic hairstylist, retailer of quality organic hair products and book yourself in for a consult. A good way to find a stylist can be some online research, see if there’s someone in your area you resonate with, or simply put it out there on social media and have a friend recommend someone trustworthy – word of mouth is best!
Whether you’ve decided to go with a personal consult, or make the product call yourself – if you’re shifting from traditional products to organic your experience may be easy free flow, or it may take perseverance. Either way, once you’ve come out to the other side, life and your hair will never be the same again.

Ramblings of an Organic Hair Stylist - Why go Organic?

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Greetings JLast time we ended off with the blonde ladies in the café, I gave you the telltale signs, how to spot non organic hair, now let’s get into what these signs mean. After 8 years of organic styling, the first thing I do is give the hair a feel test and also a smell test – these simple observations can tell me allot.

Silicone buildup prevents the hair from taking in moisture–a buildup of siliconecan result in an uneven curl, frizz and even hair breakage. It causes the hair to have an unnatural shine, like a Barbie dolls hair which is entirely synthetic.

All these nasty chemicals in your hair products add up, causing the above mentioned, as well as hair loss, a weakened olfactory organ and a myriad of practical and financial implications that can completely be eradicated with one simple decision – to go natural.

Ramblings of an Organic Hair Stylist - How does one tell if someone uses Organic Hair care products?

Hello!My name is Jason. Cape town born and in the hair industry for 20 years. My dear friend Lela has asked that I write a bit about organic haircare – I am happy to share with you my experiences of the past years as an organic hair stylist. I hope you enjoy!

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What’s the buzz about organic hair care? Sulphate free, no poo, paraben free… Though a series of articles written from the perspective of an organic hairstylist – we will delve into the ins and outs of organic hair care and how it can change your life.
Many women have a clean diet and exercise regularly, yet have not made the switch to organic haircare. Why is this, is a really good question - one I’m not quite sure how to answer.